Secret Editor v1.7 by Rechi (PES 6)

PES 6 UPDATE | at 8:45 PM | 3 Comments so far | Tweet +1 Like

Feature :
  1. Scoreboard Selector : Choose your scoreboard faster & easier
  2. Referee Kit Selector : Likewise the scoreboard,you will also be able to choose the referee kit
  3. Trophy Selector : Choose your trophy
  4. Crypt/Checksume : This Disables/Enambles Cryptioning + Checksume PES 6.Very useful for decoding the OF and Saves
  5. ML(master league starting year) : You can setting your ML starting year
  6. Scoreboard Editor : Edit your scoreboard
  7. Kitserver : Editor of the cfg file kitserver
How to use :
  • Download and Move "Secret Editor v1.7.exe,Referee kit Pack.rar,Scoreboard.rar,Trophy.rar" to the main folder Pro Evolution Soccer 6
Download :

Written by Yoga Widiananda
A blloger writer for PES 6 UPDATE.Hope you like during stay in my blog
A Football lovers and I like AC Milan,Bayern Munchen,FC Barcelona and Real Madrid,Music addict and A Lovers of history.
Follow Me on Facebook , and Twitter

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  1. gan follow blog ane nih..
    blog kmu dah ak follow..

  2. Anonymous9/09/2012

    Thank you very much for Wonderfull Editor.
    Just the 3 last packs have not good links.
    Mediafire will be a good one.
    Thank you :-)

  3. Anonymous2/08/2013

    cara nggunainnya gmana Gan?
    Stelah ku instal cuma form kosong.
    ga seperti di gambar
